Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Burglar Proofing Your Living Space

This seems like a random topic, but my love for hard-fiction and television cop shows has lead my to realize that people suck at hiding stuff in their house. I mean really the freezer, mattress, or closet... you might as well be giving crooks your stuff.


Based on all my TV watching, I have decided that there are two types of burglars: amateurs that just need the money, and pros that are after something in particular. Now, unless you are an international spy or are storing some pretty heavy duty government secrets, then you are most likely just going to have to deal with those petty amateurs. Amateurs usually want to be in and out of your house fairly quickly, this means they'll take whatever is handy at that moment: computers, phones, wallets watches, jewelry, etc.. Easy Fix: put your stuff away, lock it up, or hide it.

High end thieves or pros are a lot more careful, they'll usually do a clean routine sweep of the house and check the sucky hiding spots first. These guys will be very thorough so I came up with a clever little fix for this (and when I say "I", I mean one of my favorite burned spies "Micheal West" from Burn Notice). Now it may be a pain in the butt, but the best place to hide your stuff is in your walls. While this makes your item hard to access, if hidden right, no one will find it.

Clever Idea: Fake wall sockets
The cool thing about this little guy, is that if your professional burglar decides to take a metal detector to your wall, he won't suspect a thing what it goes off around the socket. The picture above is of one you can buy online here: http://www.goneblue.com/hifawaousa.html, but I  build one for myself by just installing a socket without any of the wiring... pretty easy.

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